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NHC: Disturbance Coming From the Gulf to Bring Increasing Showers and T-Storms as It Tracks Across Central Florida


Florida - Tuesday June 11, 2024: A trough of low pressure over the eastern Gulf of Mexico is on a track that will take it across central Florida this week.

This disturbance is expected to move northeastward across Florida during the next day or so and offshore of the U.S. Southeast coast later this week.

The National Hurricane Center (NHC) gives this disturbance a low 10% chance of becoming a tropical depression within the next 48-hours, but it is the cause of the ongoing showers across our region that began Monday night and will continue through the week with increasing intensity today and tomorrow.

However, some slow development is possible when the system leaves Florida and enters the Atlantic later this week where it could begin to build strength.

Regardless of development, heavy rainfall is expected across portions of Florida during the next few days.

* Formation chance through 48 hours...low...10 percent.

* Formation chance through 7 days...low...20 percent.