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St. Lucie County Offers Free Guided Sea Turtle Hatchling Walks in August

Wiki Commons: U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service - This file is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic license.

St. Lucie County - Saturday July 13, 2024: Enjoy a morning walk on the beach while uncovering the fascinating lives of sea turtle hatchlings with the St. Lucie County Environmental Resources Department and Ecological Associates every Friday in August.

These guided walks are a part of St. Lucie County’s Guided Nature Program series and take place on South Hutchinson Island. However, the specific location of each is determined by the hatching timeline of nests and shared with registrants 48 to 24 hours prior to the program.

These free walks are scheduled for every Friday in August from 6:30 to 8:30 a.m. Space is limited and registration is required. Registration opens Friday, July 12 at 8 a.m. at

Due to high demand, each party is permitted to sign up for one session only. Participants should be able to walk 1-mile in beach sand and expect to be on the beach for at least two hours. Hikes are designed for ages 6 to adults.

This opportunity allows the public to observe firsthand the excavation of a loggerhead sea turtle nest by Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) permitted guides. It includes a discussion of sea turtle conservation efforts and what residents can do to keep St. Lucie County’s 21 miles of coastline sea turtle friendly. EAI biologists will inventory and examine the contents of the nest and explain their methods. Any hatchlings found are released according to FWC guidelines. EAI specializes in sea turtle monitoring and research and conducts all activities under FWC Marine Turtle Permit 23-010.

For more information about sea turtle conservation efforts, including St. Lucie County sea turtle nesting dashboard, visit

For questions about the sea turtle hikes, please contact the Oxbow Eco-Center at 772-785-5833.