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Crist Puts the Focus on the Right to Choose

Crist Facebook page

Fort Lauderdale - Tuesday October 11, 2022: On the campaign trail Tuesday democratic gubernatorial candidate Charlie Crist, whose campaign has been overshowed by Hurricane Ian relief efforts, held a rally in Fort Lauderdale Tuesday to declare a 'Choice Day of Action’ to highlight a woman’s right to choose.

“Just as it sounds," said Crist, 'Choice Day of Action' is about speaking up, getting loud, and making sure the people of Florida send a clear message to DeSantis that we are going to fight like hell to put an end to your attacks against women.”

A recent Mason-Dixon poll shows Crist trailing DeSantis by 11 points, 52% for DeSantis, with only 41% for Crist. Polls also show that republicans are vulnerable on the issue of abortion and Crist hammered that point home.

“We have only 28 days left, 28 days to make sure that everyone across the sunshine state knows that dangerous Ron DeSantis anti-choice, anti-freedom agenda. With Roe v Wade gone, everyone here knows that we are in the fight of our lives to protect a woman’s right to choose.”

Crist said when he debate DeSantis on October 24, he’ll ask him to explain his support for an abortion ban that has no exceptions for rape or incest.