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Special Session Called for the Florida Legislature to Address a Number of Issues Including Home Insurance and Support for Israel

Florida Legislature

Florida - Friday October 20, 2023: Florida Senate President Kathleen Passidomo, and House Speaker Paul Renner have issued a Joint Proclamation calling members of both chamber into a four-day Special Session beginning at 10 a.m. Monday, November 6, and ending at 11 :59 p.m. on Thursday, November 9.

In a separate memorandum, issued in coordination with the Governor’s Office and the Florida Senate, Speaker Renner identified several issues that will be addressed during the Special Session which is being held in advance of the 2024 Regular Session.

Special Session Issues

Hurricane Relief – Provide additional resources to assist Floridians recovering from the impacts of Hurricane Idalia, including support for our agriculture industry and debris removal. 

Increased Resiliency Efforts to Help Lessen Insurance Costs – Dedicate resources to address the existing backlog of applicants intending to access the successful My Safe Florida Home Program for homeowners looking to fortify their homes which are proven steps to lower insurance premiums. 

Additional Funding for Students with Unique Abilities – Provide a mechanism to increase the number of students served under the Family Empowerment Scholarship for students with disabilities. 

Support for Israel – Formally express support for the State of Israel to exist as a sovereign and independent nation, with the right to defend itself and protect its citizens from indiscriminate violence and terrorism, condemn the attack on Israel by Hamas, and ask for additional sanctions against terrorist regimes. 

Expanded Sanctions Against Terrorist Regimes – Impose additional sanctions, ending any financial support, whether directly or indirectly, to the Islamic Republic of Iran, Hamas, Hezbollah, or any other entity that supports terrorism across the globe. 

Additional Security Infrastructure to Guard Against Anti-Semitic Violence, Hate Crimes – Provide at-risk institutions, such as vulnerable Jewish Day Schools, with additional security resources and infrastructure to keep our citizens safe.