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Poetry and Barbeque; and Putting on the Glitz

Tania Ortega-Cowan/WQCS

Fort Pierce - Friday March 24, 2023: This week on In Focus, with IRSC Public Media, we welcome Sean Sexton, the poet, rancher and program chair for the Laura Riding Jackson Foundation’s 12th annual Poetry and Barbeque, which this year features the poetry of two married couples. There calling the event 'Tying the Knot, When Poets Marry'.

Sean will tell us about the poetry these married couples have written and about the event itself which takes place on Saturday April 22.

Learn more about the 12th Annual Poetry & BBQ at:

Then we'll hear about some fashion, the annual Port St. Lucie Business Women Fashion Show, which this year is being called 'Putting on the Glitz'. We’ll talk with Dorothy Kamm the PR Chair for the Port St. Lucie Business Women and Kathy Post, the event coordinator for the fashion show.

It's their largest fundraiser and the money raised is used to support scholarships in higher education for women as well supporting various community organizations that benefit women and children. They tell us about their good works as well as all the fun they’ve got planned for the fashion show on April 22.

Learn more about the Port St. Lucie Business Women Fashion Show -'Puttin' On The Glitz' on their website at: