Nationwide as well as here on the Treasure Coast the COVID pandemic is waning, but a senior hospital official in Fort Pierce cautions we should not let our guard down yet.
Over the past week the number of reported COVID cases has fallen by about 60% and new hospital admissions for COVID have fallen by 44%, according to the Centers for Disease Control. Dr. Madhu Sasidhar, President of Cleveland Clinic Tradition Hospital in Fort Pierce, calls it a substantial decline. “We are certainly breathing a sigh of relief,” he said. adding that the demand for intensive care beds and ventilators has fallen.
But despite the downturn in COVID cases the hospital continues to be very busy because so many non-COVID patients have postponed treatment. “We’re still taking care of patients who have waited for the surge to subside before taking care of their medical needs or even for regular screening,” said Dr. Sasidhar. “We have now pivoted to patients with chronic health and other acute medical conditions.”
Still Dr. Sasidhar cautions COVID is not gone yet “The longer this virus circulates the more likely we are going to see another mutation that may be worse than the ones we had before.” In addition the pandemic has taken its toll on the nursing staff. “We are in desperate need of nurses. The shortage is severe nationwide and certainly we do feel it here.”
Masking and social distancing requirements remain in effect at Tradition Hospital, and visitation continues to be limited to 2 visitors per patient.