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FSA ELA Results Show Higher Marks for St. Lucie and Indian River County 3rd Graders

Treasure Coast - Wednesday May 25, 2022: Third grade students in Indian River County and St. Lucie County achieved, on average, higher scores this year than last year in their Florida Standards Assessment (FSA) in English Language Arts (ELA) exams. The Florida Department of Education released the FSA ELA results Wednesday afternoon.

School District of Indian River County

When comparing this year's results to the pre-pandemic performance, only eight other districts outperformed the School District of Indian River County (SDIRC).

• The SDIRC ranked 12 in the state in this year's 3rd grade ELA performance at Level 3 or above. That is an increase of 16 state rankings over the 2018-2019 school year and an increase of 4 state rankings over the 2020-2021 school year.

• The percentage of 3rd grade SDIRC students performing at Level 3 or above was 58%, exceeding the state's performance average of 53% by 5 percentage points.

• The SDIRC 3rd grade ELA performance was the top-performing district on the Treasure Coast.

“Overall, these are outstanding results, given the significant disruptions in learning that have occurred over the last three years," said SDIRC Superintendent David Moore. "These results also highlight that despite the obstacles and challenges we have faced, the SDIRC is outpacing other districts through the provision of high-quality instruction and supports to our students.”

St. Lucie County Schools

More 3rd graders in SLC public schools passed the English Language Arts test this year compared to last year. The St. Lucie Public Schools (SLPS) district was one of only eleven school districts across the state that showed improvement over last year’s results. SLPS improved 1% moving from 47% to 48%.

Superintendent E. Wayne Gent attributes the improvement to the robust summer program that was offered to targeted students along with the individualized support students received from their teachers, support staff, and school leaders this past year. “I applaud our teachers, administrators, staff, and students on their hard work. We have a dedicated group of professionals, that despite the challenges we faced due to the pandemic, continued to provide rigorous and engaging instruction to our students,” said Superintendent Gent.

Incoming Superintendent Dr. Jon Prince added, “With the release of these scores, the District has positive momentum moving forward. It will be critical for our students, who experienced learning loss due to COVID, to participate in our Summer Learning Adventure Camp where they will have the opportunity to close any gaps they may have and meet grade-level expectations as they enter school in August.”