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SFWMD: Weekly King Tide Forecast

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Treasure Coast - Monday October 16, 2023: Elevated tides following the New Moon on October 14 will persist along the east coast of southeast Florida until tomorrow, October 17th, according to the South Florida Water Management District's Tidal Outlook for the forecast period of October 16 through October 23.

These conditions could result in minor flooding at high tide in some coastal areas of Martin, St. Lucie, Palm Beach, Broward, Miami-Dade, and Monroe counties. The conditions will subside along the east coast of the SFWMD's region by Wednesday, October 18, and throughout the Florida Keys by Saturday, October 21.

View the weekly Tidal Outlook HERE


High tides are predicted by the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) to peaks above 2.5 to 3 feet Mean Lower Low Water (MLLW) along the South Florida Coast during the following days in 2023:

  • September 13-15 (New Moon)
  • September 26-October 4 (Full Moon)
  • October 14-19 (New Moon)
  • October 24-November 2 (Full Moon)
  • November 11-17 (New Moon)
  • November 24-29 (Full Moon)

Conditions like wind strength and direction, ocean currents can cause tides to occur higher or lower than predicted at certain locations. Peaks vary by location. If conditions warrant, additional updates may be issued throughout the forecast period.
These weekly updates are intended to be informational for interested stakeholders and the public.

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