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NHC: Disturbance in the Southwestern Caribbean Now Given a 70% Chance of Formation

Florida - Tuesday November 14, 2023: The National Hurricane Center (NHC) continues to watch a broad area of showers and thunderstorms located over the southwestern Caribbean Sea. The NHC has raised the chances that this system will become a tropical depression to 70%, from just 60% yesterday.

Environmental conditions appear favorable for additional development of this system, and a tropical depression is likely to form towards the end of this week. This disturbance is initially expected move northeastward across the western and central portions of the Caribbean Sea.

Interests in Cuba, Jamaica, Haiti, and the Dominican Republic should monitor the progress of this system.

Regardless of development, this system has the potential to produce heavy rains over portions of the Caribbean coast of Central America and the Greater Antilles through the end of this week.

* Formation chance through 48 hours...low...10 percent.
* Formation chance through 7 days...high...70 percent.