Indian River County - Monday January 1, 2024: To kick off the 2024 election cycle, the Supervisor of Elections office is collaborating with the Senior Resource Association to deliver election information and increase civic engagement to those who may be homebound or have limited mobility.
During the month of January, the Supervisor of Elections staff is rolling out a new initiative called the Mobile Voter Program (MVP), a program created in response to our quest for inclusive democracy. This innovative program was born out of the Supervisor of Elections mission to connect with those traditionally harder to reach Indian River County residents.
Reaching eligible voters is crucial, but often many individuals face barriers to accessing voting information. By engaging these individuals, it ensures their voices are heard, upholding the democratic principle of inclusivity and representation for all citizens.
The Senior Resource Association is recognized as the lead agency in Indian River County for promoting home and community-based services to older adults and transportation for all. By partnering with the Senior Resource Association, the Supervisor of Elections team can personally engage those served by the Senior Resource Association.
The Elections Office staff was been working diligently assembling Mobile Voter Packets containing a voter registration application and return envelope for new voters and those needing to update their voting information, a vote-by-mail request form, IRC Voter Guide, Government Officials Guide, Frequently Asked Questions brochure, pen, American flag and a sweet treat.
Beginning January 2 - 5, Election Office staff will be on site for the Senior Resource Association’s Congregate Meal Program, which provides meals 5 days per week for some 300 people. Meals are provided at five separate locations throughout the county. All in attendance at the meal sites will be provided a Mobile Voter Packet and will be provided the opportunity to have their voting questions answered.
During the week of January 8 – 12, the Elections Office will be taking part in the Meals on Wheels program. This program provides meals to individuals who may not have the resources to access or prepare food due to lack of transportation, functional limitations or health problems. Elections staff will be riding along with Meals on Wheels volunteers delivering hot lunches to seniors at their home and providing them with election information contained in the Mobile Voter Packet. Over 500 informational packets will be delivered throughout the week.
As part of the ongoing mobile program, the week of January 16 – 19, Supervisor of Elections staff will be riding on the Senior Resource Association’s GoLine; Indian River County’s no cost public transit system. Buses provide service along 15 fixed routes throughout the county. The team at the Elections Office will be riding on several bus routes throughout the week providing riders with Supervisor of Elections contact cards and offering riders the opportunity to register to vote. Throughout the 2024 election cycle, high traffic bus routes will display election information advertising. The advertising contains a QR code directing bus riders to register to vote, update their voter record, or request a vote-by-mail ballot. Bus routes containing election advertising have a combined annual ridership of 744,943.
The Senior Resource Association also operates the Community Coach, a door-to-door transit system for eligible riders with no other means of transportation. Community Coach accommodates riders who use wheelchairs, walkers, canes, service animals and other mobility aids. Throughout the entire month of January, Community Coach Drivers will be providing over 1,000 riders with Mobile Voter Packets.
An additional program sponsored by the Senior Resource Association is the Day Away Program, which promotes social inclusion for those ages 18 and older by offering diverse and relevant activities in a safe atmosphere. All sixty participants attending the Day Away Program will receive Mobile Voter Packets.
The Mobile Voter Program provides the Supervisor of Elections office with the opportunity to amplify democracy through innovation and inclusion, and bridge gaps to empower every voice. By going mobile, voting awareness is personally delivered to those with limited mobility.