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Florida Senate Committee OK's a Bill That Makes Changes to Property and Gun Laws

WQCS file

Florida - Tuesday January 30, 2024: A bill that aims to make changes to Florida’s property and gun laws cleared its first hurdle in the Florida Senate Tuesday.

The Criminal Justice committee passed the legislation filed by Boynton Beach Democratic Sen. Lori Berman.

"What we always wanted when we brought this bill is it’s a property rights bill. Just as people have the right to fire guns on their property, people who are on their own property should have the right to be safe," said Berman.

The bill would make it a third-degree felony to fire any lethal weapon over or across someone else’s property unless acting in self-defense.

The proposal comes amid several reported incidents in Florida where bystanders were struck by a stray bullet while standing on their property.

While supporters say the bill would help lower the risk of that happening, critics view the measure as a blow to their Second Amendment gun rights.