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GTABS and Indian River State College Partner on Groundbreaking Railway Training Initiative

GTABS’ Dr. Abigail Carter, EVP of Development, congratulates Indian River State College President Dr. Timothy Moore as the RAIL Initiative gets on track.
GTABS’ Dr. Abigail Carter, EVP of Development, congratulates Indian River State College President Dr. Timothy Moore as the RAIL Initiative gets on track.

Fort Pierce - Wednesday February 28, 2024: Global Technology and Business Solutions, GTABS, has entered into a collaborative three-year agreement with Indian River State College (IRSC) to launch and facilitate GTABS’ comprehensive rail training program at the College’s main campus in Fort Pierce. 

The Railway Academy with Interactive Learning, known as RAIL, provides students with safe, hands-on rail training in preparation for entering an industry with growing workforce needs and projected investment of billions of dollars in freight and passenger rail in the upcoming decades. 

The primary objective of this multi-million-dollar program is to provide individuals with specialized technical training and exposure to an array of financially lucrative employment opportunities within the rail industry.

GTABS is a certified minority-owned engineering firm that provides electrical, civil, and signal engineering solutions to the freight, light rail, and high-speed railway industry.

“This partnership with GTABS underscores Indian River State College’s critical role in workforce education and our leadership in providing the citizens of our service district—and beyond—with new opportunities for economic mobility,” said Anthony D. George, Jr., Chair of the Indian River State College District Board of Trustees. 

“Locally, Brightline has launched a robust statewide schedule of high-speed passenger rail and nationally, the Federal Highway Administration forecasts a 30% increase in freight movement,” adds Dr. Timothy E. Moore, President of Indian River State College. “This requires the development of a strong workforce pipeline and advanced training for incumbent workers. The RAIL Initiative will deliver that and more.” 

RAIL, with standard non-degree training set for 12-16 weeks, offers three major tracts, including multiple employee-specific concentrations tailored to students’ specific interests and skill levels: 


  • Project Management
  • Construction Management
  • Power Management 


  • Computer-Aided Design and Drafting (CADD)
  • Networking Design and Maintenance
  • Signal, Communications, & Track Design
  • Dispatching Operations


  • Signal Construction & Maintenance
  • Track Construction and Maintenance
  • Site Survey & Data Collection
  • Conductor & Train Operations

“To facilitate this, GTABS is building state-of-the-art simulation facilities on the Indian River State College Fort Pierce Campus,” shares Dr. Michael Hageloh, Executive Vice President for Strategic Initiatives at Indian River State College. 

Upon successfully completing the workforce development training programs, students will earn certificates in their specialty of choice, confirming their workforce readiness. “GTABS and the College will work closely to help place students in careers within the industry,” continues Hageloh. 

“This railway training program is a complete game-changer,” states Jerome Hall, GTABS’ CEO. “The collaboration between a quality academic institution such as Indian River State College with an experienced and accomplished rail servicing firm like GTABS is truly beneficial for all stakeholders. As long-time rail employees are retiring, coupled with the large amounts of federal and private funds pouring into the rail industry, this is the perfect time to adequately train the next generation of rail professionals. We are proud to know that upon completing this environmentally and safety conscious program, students will possess the necessary knowledge and skill to obtain gainful employment, thus elevating their financial trajectory for generations.” 

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