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Indian River State College Presents Open House April 20

Photo courtesy IRSC

Fort Pierce - Friday April 5, 2024: Looking for ways to enhance your career prospects or embark on a new professional journey? Are you or someone you know interested in pursuing education for a brighter future? If so, mark your calendars for Indian River State College's Open House on Saturday, April 20, 2024 (10 AM – 12 PM). 

This highly anticipated event will take place at the Indian River State College Massey Campus' Student Success Center (W building), situated at 3209 Virginia Avenue in Fort Pierce. 

Attendees will have the opportunity to connect with the IRSC Office of Student Success and gather valuable information regarding financial aid options, scholarships, the promise program, and much more. Engaging academic breakout sessions and informative tabling activities will shed light on diverse academic and career training programs, vibrant student life experiences, and an array of supplementary resources geared towards ensuring your success. 

To learn more details about this exciting event or to secure your spot, visit