Florida - Thursday August 15, 2024: The Florida Education Association (FEA) today (Thursday) released their latest data on teacher vacancies across the state.
The data shows that at the start of the new school year this past Monday, there were 5,007 instructional vacancies, a jump from numbers reported in January of this year, but a decrease from the number reported in August 2023. In addition, there has been no positive movement made in education support staff vacancies, with 4,835 vacancies being reported— an increase of 1,378 vacancies from the numbers reported in January 2024.
Nearly every district in the state reports vacancies in Elementary Education, English as a Second Language (ESE) and Speech Language Pathology. An additional 700 teacher aides are needed for classroom support for non-ESE students and nearly every district is in need of bus drivers and substitute teachers.
The Florida Education Association is the state's largest teacher's union representing 120,000 members.
“It should not be lost on anyone, that right now, nearly 5,000 classrooms do not have a professionally trained teacher, impacting potentially over 100,000 students," said Florida Education Association President Andrew Spar in a news release.
“When Governor DeSantis and Education Commissioner Manny Diaz Jr. pat themselves on the back because they have funded corporate-run schools and micro schools in strip malls, they are doing so at the expense of students in Florida's public schools by literally siphoning billions each year away from public schools. Make no mistake— this is on purpose,” added Spar.
In its news release, the FEA also says they continue to hear from teachers around the state that classrooms are overflowing with students and teachers are scrambling to find more desks and chairs.
The Florida Education Association counts vacancies posted on district websites twice annually, in August and January. A county-by-county breakdown of the vacancy numbers can be found here.