Martin County - Friday August 23, 2024: An Amtrak passenger train passing through Indiantown Thursday clipped the front cab of a semi tractor trailer truck.
It happened around 10:30 AM yesterday morning at the crossing on SW Amaryllis Avenue just before it meets SW Warfield which runs parallel to the train tracks.
The truck's cab burst into flames, the driver and his passenger were able to get out of the cab. They both suffered minor injuries, and authorities say they both refused offers of treatment at the scene. The cab was completely consumed by the fire, the trailer was also damaged.
No injuries were reported on the Amtrak either which was carrying 72 passengers and 14 crew members. The Amtrak passengers had to remain on the damaged train until another Amtrak train came along and picked them up.
Martin County Sheriff Deputies joined fireman from Martin County Fire Rescue at the scene. The firefighters were able to quickly douse the flames and prevent the fire from spreading.